This week we will explore 2 mystical locations, both based in Mount Holly, NJ
HOLY HOLY HOLY: The Altar of Judgment and THE WITCHES' WELL
Mount Holly, New Jersey
Mount Holly, New Jersey
by Chris Chaos
Legend has it that the New Jersey Devil was chained up here and if you put your ear up to the metal door you can hear him thrashing around. Another legend was that this site was the capstone that went all the way to Hell.
Yet another legend goes that one of the 1st (suspected) witches in the area was thrown down this well and she survived the drop and clawed and screamed for help and cursed all those that threw her into the well. Later on the shed was built over the Well to stop the haunting that was occurring. Recently the township put up a barbwire fence with stop motion cameras that actually yell at you when triggered. "Stop! You have been caught on camera and this will be used in your prosecution, turn around now!" it states when you venture too close. Why would they spend all this money for this security? What is really here? Without breaking the law and jumping the fence you currently cannot reach The Witches Well, but you can see it through the fence that was erected. If you go in the warm months be aware of the mosquitoes, they are plentiful and very hungry.
There is also a gravestone located in the cemetery right near this area and a woman is buried there. The grave reads: “Thus is the fate of all who turn from God, you are here because God hates you.” This lady, who was a suspected witch, supposedly summoned the Jersey Devil and he killed her. Afterwards JD was caught and chained up and cast into the Well.
The Holy Holy Holy Altar of Judgment
Mt. Holly, NJ
Mt. Holly, NJ
A few hundred feet from the Witches Well and up a somewhat steep hill is the Altar that was used to judge the witches many years ago. The altar is a white (painted grey) concrete table (4 feet by 8 feet by 4 feet), It has the words “Holy Holy Holy” inscribed across it. In front of the slab are old wooden benches, set in a square. Much graffiti has been marked onto the altar and tales of modern day sex magic and animal sacrifices have taken place here. Right next to the altar is the gallow that they used to hang the witches with, but it has been long knocked down and only the stump remains.
On October 22, 1730 over 300 people had gathered to witness the trial of two people, a man and a woman, who had been accused of witchcraft. The charges included "making their neighbors sheep dance in an uncommon manner, and with causing hogs to speak, and sing Psalms, to the great terror and amazement of the King's good and peaceable subjects in this province." This took place 40 years after the famous witch trials in Salem, Mass.
On October 22, 1730 over 300 people had gathered to witness the trial of two people, a man and a woman, who had been accused of witchcraft. The charges included "making their neighbors sheep dance in an uncommon manner, and with causing hogs to speak, and sing Psalms, to the great terror and amazement of the King's good and peaceable subjects in this province." This took place 40 years after the famous witch trials in Salem, Mass.
We took video and photos of both locations, but nothing out of the ordinary occurred while we were there. We hope to go back at night and see if we obtain different results.
UPDATE: May 2013
We went back to this location in May 2013 and it really has changed. Someone redid the path leading from the street up to the HOLY HOLY HOLY ALTAR and it is now smooth and mulched and there are now park benches in front of the altar. The witch (that was buried outside of the cemetery) along with her grave and markers are still there. It seems that the community is tired of the kids going up there and “doing things they should not be”, so they are trying to make it a bit more touristy and to demystify the legends that surround this location. The area appears friendlier to the average person but is still mostly only known to the locals and those whom seek out and research these types of locations. In the Fall we plan to go back and gain more video and investigate a bit more to provide more updates. There are several trails spread out around The Mount that lead from The Mount itself, The Witches Well, The Holy Altar and the cemetery that we will also be investigating a bit deeper in depth.
(Chris Chaos is a long time resident of South Jersey who once again resides in and writes from Gloucester City, New Jersey. Chris can be reached at
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anybody have an address on either spot?